
My dear sisters in Inner Wheel. My heartfelt congratulations to both the newly elected Executive boards of both the Districts. It is not too far before we will be celebrating our prestigious organisation’s centennial year with due fervour in Manchester, and so, if need be, we will have to discuss, debate and formulate a plan of action for the oncoming years with the IIW President Zenaida Farcon’s theme “Work Wonders” as a launching pad for ideas because this theme is a stepping stone for brilliant, innovative ideas. Friends, this theme has given us a vast space to fulfill our dreams and prove that strong women make a stronger world! Hence, let us joyfully work on it. N.R. is the post box and the bridge between her own country and the International Inner Wheel and so being given the honour of the highest post within her country, she gives her level best to work in the line that all information is ready at hand on both the ends .Therefore your cooperation is definitely vital . The confidence in my ability to carry out the duties entrusted to me is humbling and yet inspiring. My boundless gratitude to all. I thank Allah swt because, it is always His will that charts one’s destiny.

Yours in Inner Wheel friendship

Mohsena Reza
National Representative I.W.Bangladesh 2022-2023