Bangladesh has made significant progress in education over the past two decades. Still, many school-aged children from the poorest families in Bangladesh either do not enroll or discontinue school due to poverty.
Inner Wheel Clubs in D345 are working mostly with the children of the poor. Their programs are designed to reach the unreached out of school children. They also have contributed to the development of supplementary reading materials for the primary school children.
These club’s project aims to reduce the number of out-of-school children through improved access, quality and efficiency in primary education, providing disadvantaged children an opportunity to complete grade 5 and transition to secondary education.
Many Clubs provide education stipends to underprivileged children to lessen the burdens on their families as well as distribute free books, stationery, school uniforms & other educational materials.
Moreover, with ongoing awareness program Clubs are trying to improve the education sector of Bangladesh specially for children.